traintracks from

The Point of Being Alive

“What's the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable.”—Anonymous   Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about happiness and success. I am happier than I’ve ever been before. Most of my clan would say I’ve been successful for years, but this is the first time I’ve really felt … Continue reading The Point of Being Alive

Pottery and Poetry

The Importance of Practice (in Pottery and Poetry)

Practice, practice, practice! The good news is that with all this practice I'm getting, I don’t really think about Patrick Swayze when I’m doing pottery anymore. Sure, when my pots are  flopping, he sort of pats me on the back and says “Bon courage!”—and I think, “Man! He also speaks French?” Flashback..... Kidding aside, I’d like … Continue reading The Importance of Practice (in Pottery and Poetry)