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Road Construction for the Stubborn

As stubborn as a Goat

My mother has always said that I’m as stubborn as they come. But, I mean, really, I come by it honestly. The Laverdiere’s are a hard-headed lot and the Thibault’s are passively headstrong. If you’ve ever met my son, you can assume correctly that his father was also stubborn.

Come to think of it, there aren’t a lot of people I like spending time with who aren’t stubborn in their own way…

Stubbornness: the ugly side of perseverance.

Yesterday, I had to attend a meeting in a part of town I’m not at all familiar with. I went alllll the way out there in December when the roads were a skating rink, so I at least knew how to get there.

Of course, before I left, I entered the address into Google Maps and it suggested a route. “Yeah right!” I sniggered out loud. Then, I memorized the main streets—McOrmand, Kerr, Forsyth—and put my phone in my purse. Why does Google Maps want to send me on a round-about route!

Stubbornness is the ugly side of perseverance. Those who exhibit this attribute cling to the notion that they’re passionate, decisive, full of conviction, and able to stand their ground — all of which are admirable leadership characteristics. Being stubborn isn’t always a bad thing. -Muriel Maignan Wilkins

I got into my truck and, after turning on the air conditioning and some tunes, I headed to my destination. Traffic was light—probably because it was gorgeous out on a Sunday afternoon. I scooted over from 8thto College, past Sutherland, repeating my mantra of McOrmand, Kerr, Forsyth, visualizing the route in my mind.

Cruising past Kenderdine in an 80 zone, I imagined McOrmand must be just ahead. That’s also when I saw a looonnnng line of taillights. Of course, it’s road construction season–winter is over!

Ah-ha…. Google Maps must have known about this. It took fifteen minutes to make it to the lights, but I had a lot of time to reflect on what’s going on in my life.

As stubborn as they come

My mother has always said that I’m as stubborn as they come. But, I mean, really, I come by it honestly. The Laverdiere’s are a hard-headed lot and the Thibault’s are passively headstrong. If you’ve ever met my son, you can assume correctly that his father was also stubborn.

Come to think of it, there aren’t a lot of people I like spending time with who aren’t stubborn in their own way…

But really, if I hadn’t come from stubborn stock, I probably wouldn’t be stubborn about writing these posts every single Monday–even when (like today) I come to the blank page with a blank mind.

Stubborn Links 🙂 

For those of you with stubborn kids:

And an interesting discussion

And in Case you Missed these…

A Diptych: Captured in Black & White

Three lessons from the Universe