This post is going to be short and sweet—sort of like my mother. These are exciting and eye-opening times. I don’t have time to write a proper post, but these are some thoughts piling up in the past week.
None of us is fool-proof.
I let myself get hacked.
After I cancelled my credit card and got myself on the “I’ve given my info to a fraudster/swindler”- list, I called my mother to apologize. You see, I poked fun at her for doing the same thing last year. Do NOT click on Advanced Mac Cleaner—it looks secure, but it isn’t. Sheesh! This was a good reminder that sometimes we think we know everything,
we Often belong where we feel most like imposters
I do not think of myself as an artist–I’m trying to believe it because so many people tell me that’s what I am. This weekend, I realized how at-home I feel when surrounded by academics and/or artists. Birds of a feather—if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck… you know what I’m saying.
Apart from affirming that I am an artist, the Arts Congress I attended taught me about Saskatoon’s Arts community. There is so much happening around me, most of which I am completely unaware. Opportunities abound! This is true for all of us–it just takes the right connections or being pointed in the right direction and then putting one foot in front of the other.
One of the most salient points for me is that as artists, we must be spokespersons for the people who do not have a voice. Our agendas should include the agendas of those who need representation.
Tomson Highway—whose name I’d heard, but I had never taken the time to discover—might be one of the most genuine, joy-filled, intelligent and beautiful human beings I’ve met.
If you want to learn a bit about Tomson Highway, read this article on The Huffington Post.
if we keep putting ourselves out there…we will eventually succeed
Last week The New Quarterly (TNQ) posted the piece I wrote about my writing space. You can also read the poem they deemed worthy to publish. #146 is my new lucky number!

My poem in TNQ!
TNQ is one of my top three publication-dreams. I’ve made it to the final table with the other magazines more than once–this was the boost I needed to keep going. Even when you are great at rejection, you need a pick-me-up now and then!
You might want to revisit these older posts: