Ever started reading a book and think, “Man, does that ever sound like me!” As you might have guessed, I have found an echo of my voice in the book I am reading, and it’s cracking me up. Jen Sincero is using words I’m pretty sure I made up, and I’m finishing her sentences in my mind before I read them. I’m sure if Jen Sincero and I met, we’d be besties. She’s that awesome.
I want you to read this book: You are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero. I don’t remember how I must have been feeling when I ordered it—I was obviously a little down about my latest blip of a marriage—but must have bounced back quickly because I forgot I owned this fab little book until I was sorting through the pile of books stacked on my night tables, afraid they might fall over in the middle of the night and suffocate me. Smothered by words—what a dreamy way to go!

Jen Sincero is my hero
Lines I must share
Jen Sincero is as gaggingly positive as I am. And her messages are as recycled as mine usually are, but I want to share eight of the not-new epiphanies I’ve read thus far
“It’s not that the things and opportunities that we want in life don’t exist yet. It’s that we’re not yet aware of their existence (or the fact that we can really have them).” p.38
“If you want to take control of your life and turn it into something spectacularly ‘you’ …, stop at nothing. Have faith. Trust that your new life is already here and is far better than the old.” p.47
“What other people think about you has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them.” p.67
“When we share what we were brought here to give, we are in alignment with our highest, most powerful selves.” p.73
“Everything you do along your journey contributes to where you’re going.” p.76
“our fantasies are the most revealing peepholes into who we are and what we think is awesome. No matter how out-there and ridiculous they may seem, they mean something to us, and usually represent our biggest and best versions of ourselves.” p.79
“Being in gratitude for the not-yet manifested informs The Universe that you know that what you desire already exists, and puts you at the right frequency to receive it.” p.118
“Our entire experience on this planet is determined by how we choose to perceive our reality.” p.138
Be a Badass
So, from both Jen Sincero and me, if you’re stuck in a rut, picture an ideal reality and place yourself in it. Now start believing it and your world will transform.
Those of you who know me well realize that I got from there to here without reading Jen’s book, but a few days ago I did need the reminder to get my butt in gear, stop making excuses and get back in the driver’s seat.
I’m gonna cut this short—I’ve got a manuscript to finish up so I can make my dreams my reality.
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